What are some tips for potty training with Baby diaper pants?

China Baby diaper pants supplier are some tips for potty training with Baby diaper pants:

Start potty training when your child shows signs of readiness

around 18-24 months old. Signs include being able to walk, understanding simple instructions, being able to pull pants up/down.

Pick a period where you can focus on potty training

avoiding major changes or disruptions in routine can help.

Use diaper pants that the child can pull up and down themselves.

This allows independence and teaches them to recognize when wet or dirty.

Set a timer to go off every 30-60 minutes to remind child to try using the potty.

Don’t wait for them to tell you they need to go.

China Baby diaper pants supplier

Use rewards like stickers or treats for trying to use the potty.

Lots of praise and encouragement when they are successful.

Help them recognize signs they need to go like facial expressions, squatting, holding themselves. Then prompt them to go to the potty.

Accidents will happen, stay calm and change into a new diaper pant. Don’t punish or shame them.

Watch for patterns of when they go most frequently, like after meals or naps, and prompt potty use then.

Be consistent and patient. Potty training takes time. Keep diaper pants handy for naps/nighttime until stay dry.

The key is working with your child’s cues, prompting potty use regularly, and positive reinforcement. Diaper pants help build independence during this process.